Saturday, November 29, 2008

PAL (forever delayed)

I went on a vacation to a province and guess what, PAL Express did not live up to its byline of being an "express" airline.

First, my flight was schedule for 12nn and it was "re-scheduled" for 3:00pm. That was my outgoing flight. My incoming flight was altogether canceled due to aircraft situation and sunset limitations, which simply translates to one fact, no aircraft is available.

I went on vacation to refresh myself of all the stresses in my life and I still got stressed. Well, such is life.


MerryCherry said...

Delayed/canceled flights are real bummers. What bothers me most in these situations is that airlines act like a delayed flight is nothing. They don't even compensate for our lost time/opportunities!

euphoricMD said...

very true.sorry for the delayed response.internet got dc.:(

i was tempted to call pal but i did not. hay